There were NO “special” glitter cakes at the Ministry Ball, Bellatrix. Remember? Nothing unusual happened there, REMEMBER? It went off without a hitch, REMEMBER???
Many people came and dined, danced, and enjoyed the Ministry Ball. (MINISTRY, for those of you who can’t spell)
THAT is what happened at the Ministry Ball. NOTHING MORE.
Who is this Cruceo and why would I tell him about the Ministry Ball?
I meant crucio
Oh come on Lucius! Surely you haven’t forgotten so quickly. don’t you remember? We had so much fun messing up people’s hair while we did what we were doing.
Please accept this request for a recipe for glitter cakes. My dear Dudkins heard they were very good, and I would like to make them at home so I don’t have to go and pay your exorbitant prices at your weird restaurant.
A place to sit down in here while I wait for some recipes.
Hermione dear, you said you were going to share some recipes. I’ve been trying to get in there to find a place to sit but I can’t. Did I miss the recipes?
In case you forget how powerful I am… how are you feeling right now?
Lucius, dear, give her a chance. She was certainly rude and boorish, but you were as well. Let’s get to know her before having her kicked out of Hogwarts for one little comment.
Did you see what her parents do, Lucius? That could be very useful to you, you know. But if you get her kicked out of Hogwarts they certainly won’t be doing business with you any time soon.
I came here to read the rules, but there are no rules to read. How am I supposed to read the rules when there are no rules to read?
Go to recipes rules
I would just LOVE the recipe for those glitter cakes you served at the Ministry Ball. You know, THOSE glitter cakes? The special ones…
What special ones?
You know… the SPECIAL ones. Don’t you remember the Ministry Ball…
What was special about them
What was special was the effect they had on the people who ate them. I would LOVE to have cupcakes that would do that to some, er, friends.
What did thay do Bella
Yes I was wondering why no one did any thing at all for 9 hours at least
It wasn’t 9 hours. It was more like 2.
Oh ok but what happened???
There were NO “special” glitter cakes at the Ministry Ball, Bellatrix. Remember? Nothing unusual happened there, REMEMBER? It went off without a hitch, REMEMBER???
Many people came and dined, danced, and enjoyed the Ministry Ball. (MINISTRY, for those of you who can’t spell)
THAT is what happened at the Ministry Ball. NOTHING MORE.
Who is this Cruceo and why would I tell him about the Ministry Ball?
I meant crucio
Oh come on Lucius! Surely you haven’t forgotten so quickly. don’t you remember? We had so much fun messing up people’s hair while we did what we were doing.
Oh wait. I see what you’re doing now. Yes, nothing happened at the Ministry Ball. (Wink wink)
You misspelled words on the RULES post. EXACTLY what I would expect from you.
Yes really. Why should I expect anything better from you? You disappoint me at every turn.
recipes rules
Why are you calling me Bella? You know only certain people call me that.
That’s your name…
On this…
You know my name, and it is not Bella.
On this it is
On what?? What are you talking about?
Your name is Bella but your true name is bellatrix
You are so confusing. But I find it adorable. How about a new fur?
OK!!! Later
You wouldn’t dare Crucio me. You couldn’t do it through these Muggle devices anyway.
I will come in person too
Where will you come? You know I could buy the internet and shut down your little shop here, right?
TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED AT THE SUMMER BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do tell me what happened
Hello? Is anyone here? I heard I could get recipes here. I’d like to order a recipe please.
In a minute
Ok what do you whant?
Oh I don’t know. Any recipes. Especially recipes that feed a large group. I love new recipes.
Doughy dalight
Please accept this request for a recipe for glitter cakes. My dear Dudkins heard they were very good, and I would like to make them at home so I don’t have to go and pay your exorbitant prices at your weird restaurant.
Ok in a minute
How much are you paying??????
You don’t understand, Miss. I don’t want to pay you. That’s why I want to make them myself.
Ok what do you whant
In a minute, dear? Should I wait here?
Is there a place to sit down here? I’m still a bit confused about how this place works.
No you are sitting
No dear I’m not sitting. I’m waiting to see if I can find a seat in here.
What do you want
A place to sit down in here while I wait for some recipes.
Hermione dear, you said you were going to share some recipes. I’ve been trying to get in there to find a place to sit but I can’t. Did I miss the recipes?
Hi is Draco here
What do you want with my son?
To talk
What do you want to talk about? Do you have business with my son? Or are your intentions of a more personal nature?
Mom I love you but you are so embarrassing.
HI RON!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Hermione.
My mom still hasn’t figured this thing out. Sorry. But she is really excited about getting a new recipe.
You seemed really excited to see me. I am honored.
Hey Pansy.
Dad, stop talking to my friends.
Your dad is crazy sooooooooooooooooo what are you doing?
Being bored. I hate being home over the summer. The staff never does what I ask them to. And my parents are always busy or being annoying.
Come to my house later
I came here for potion recipes. Clearly I am disappointed. I should have known.
No poshon recipes here
Poshon? What in heavens name is a poshon?
I spelled potions in my initial comment you’re replying to. Are you incapable of looking three comments up to determine how to spell the word??
Hey Snape, why do you look like an annoyed spider wearing a brain hat??
Johnny Padfoot is it?? I could report you to the authorities you know.
By the way, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about an incident where a triple expelliarmus was used on me, do you?
You rang?
What does that mean
I am capible
Sure but where do you live Pansy?
Northwest hogsMeade
No way. You live in Hogsmeade? What do your parents do?
Thay are workers in evil artifacts in noctern ally
Hey did my dad do something to you?
Draco, who is this Pansy person and what are you planning? Who are her parents? I don’t like you associating with people whose parents I don’t know.
We have an image to uphold Draco. I forbid you to associate with people who are beneath us or whose parents are beneath us.
I am not beneath you
Really?? Says who??
Me and draco
You insolent little gnome. I forbid you from speaking with Draco. And I will speak with the governors board about your status at Hogwarts.
In case you forget how powerful I am… how are you feeling right now?
Lucius, dear, give her a chance. She was certainly rude and boorish, but you were as well. Let’s get to know her before having her kicked out of Hogwarts for one little comment.
Did you see what her parents do, Lucius? That could be very useful to you, you know. But if you get her kicked out of Hogwarts they certainly won’t be doing business with you any time soon.
Iiiiiiiaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmdddddiiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggggggggg hheeellpp mmeee ……hhhhjdhvhfhfhhsdkfhfhgngnvnvhvhvhvnvb
Hhhhheeeellllpppp yyyyhhhhjjmmmm
Daddy, what have you done to Pansy?????
What ever do you mean, Draco?
Hasn’t she always been a blathering fool??
Really? Well she certainly seems to be one now.
No daddy she is not.mummy fix her
Drakkkkkkkkoooooooo sssaaavvveeee mmmmeeeeee mmmmmyyyyy pppppaaaaaarrrreeeennntttttts wwwiilll not do bbbiiiisssnnneessssswwiitttttbg yyyooouuu mr malfoy!!!
My parents will not help you ever after this
Hhhheeelllppppp. Mmeeeeeeee
Sndjjdjdjddjjdjddiicixoxoxo coixixidididjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdj dddrrraaacccoooo iiiiii haaaaaavvvveeee ooonnneee llllaaaassstttt qqqqqqqqqqquuuueeessstttiiiooonnn dddooo yyyooouuu loooovvvee mmmmmeeeeee ooorrrr hhhheeeerrrrmmmiiiooonnneeee